Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our friend Keith from the Open Door Mission helps to place 500 of the tomato cages being used to support the tomato crop. Staking and selective pruning of tomato and pepper plants is important to future success. Yellowing leaves are removed from the bottom of the plants and developing fruit is removed on very young plants so their energy can be focused on vegetative growth.

A special thank you to Patrick McKernan, Director of the Garland Thompson Men's Center, of the Open Door Mission. Pat and key members of the Open Door Mission have supported the garden idea since its inception. On Monday and Friday each week you can expect to see as many as 8 to 10 men from the Mission working side by side with Hy-Vee staff to create a garden environment visitors can enjoy and a crop of vine ripened veggies that will surely be delicious.

1 comment:

  1. An explanation in the sidebar would be helpful, something that explains exactly what this is about and what you'd like people to do: come shop, come pick vegetables? come gets ideas for their own garden?

    Delete this if you don't want it to show - I'm just suggesting people need to know what this is about if you hope to interest them. I would like to know.

    Good luck.
